Cowichan Childcare Council
Developed by SPC in response to a critical lack of child care capacity in the Cowichan Region, The Cowichan Child Care Council was developed to promote high quality, accessible, & affordable child care in the region. The Council actively works to develop a strategic plan for child care in collaboration with families and multiple partners within the region and across all levels of government.
The Council keeps a record of licensed child care spaces by type within the Cowichan Region. In 2010 the Council was instrumental in alerting Cowichan communities and the provincial government of the significant loss of child care spaces in the region.
The Council works to address the training and supply of qualified early childhood educators in the region in collaboration with educational institutions. It also helps to provide direction regarding recruitment and retention of child care staff.
Through reports, conferences and other media the Council helps to educate the general public, agencies, planners, and elected representatives at all levels of government about the importance of early education and child care on the social and economic well-being of the community.
The Council conducts research and shares findings and recommendations on land use policy that would promote the creation of new child care facilities.
The Cowichan Childcare Council moved transitioned from SPC to become its own entity in 2015.
Archived Reports:
Childcare in the Cowichan Valley - 2008
Early Childhood Education